What does the World Economic Forum do?
Find out more via StopWorldControl.com which is a useful site with much more information about WEF.

Footage from WEF founder Klaus Schwab, his lead advisor Yuval Noah Harari and United Nations Secretary General.
Look past the initially non offensive language that on the face of it sounds pretty good and ask yourself and consider, when were any of us asked to be involved in designing or executing this globalised centralised solution?

Nothing to add here really except to say this chap could not be clearer about their intentions for us.
Surely the World Health Organisation is doing good for all humanity in regards to pandemics?
Did you know the WHO can at any time declare a pandemic, based on any fraudulent diagnostic tool?
All they need to submit the world to their fingertips of control is a method to declare a “public health emergency of international concern”, which can easily be done with any fraudulent test.

We realise this may be hard to believe because we, the authors of this piece who are peaceful, everyday citizens with families, have all been through the same process which begins with initial disbelief; surely these politicians, medical and scientific experts have our best interests at heart? Why would we not believe the official notifications from the government?
This short film might open you to the level of corruption in places of power all around the world which holds people we trust in compromising positions. People who have a price. People with weaknesses. People with something to hide can be bribed.
New Zealand is going one step further by bringing in the “Therapeutic Products Bill” which will restrict the issuing of natural health supplements (such as vitamin C, Magnesium etc) to doctors (which means prescription fees) and big pharma (bigger profits for them) and pushing people into non-natural “treatments” by removing freedom of choice.
Is New Zealand a test-bed for increasing government control?
This is Guy Hatchard’s article on the topic:
How will the 2023 Therapeutic Products Bill affect the availability of Natural Health Products?
Please take part in this vital People’s Referendum for democracy.
The Referendum will determine whether:
People are opposed to the Great Reset
People are in favour of global control
People are in favour of a direct democracy
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It will take no more than 1 minute to complete, state where in the world you live and for some your region or electoral ward. Your email address is required to receive referendum results and next steps, will be stored securely and will not be shared or used for any other purpose.